{"id":5394,"date":"2024-10-29T00:43:40","date_gmt":"2024-10-29T00:43:40","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/runeecho.com\/?p=5394"},"modified":"2024-10-29T00:43:40","modified_gmt":"2024-10-29T00:43:40","slug":"the-worlds-largest-tree-house-took-a-man-14-years-to-build-but-wait-until-you-see-inside","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/runeecho.com\/the-worlds-largest-tree-house-took-a-man-14-years-to-build-but-wait-until-you-see-inside\/","title":{"rendered":"The World\u2019s Largest Tree House Took A Man 14 Years To Build, But Wait Until You See Inside"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

The largest treehouse in the world is located in Crossville, Tennessee (USA).\n\n\n\n

The owner, Horace Burgess, claims that God gave him the mandate to build the house. It is also known as \u201cThe Minister\u2019s Tree House\u201d

The home\u2019s ten levels, which are supported by a base of six oaks, were built using about 250,000 nails since 1993.\n\n\n\n

Photo Credit: Chuck Sutherland\n\n\n\n

The combined \u201cliving space\u201d of all floors is more than 3000 square meters.\n\n\n\n

Despite being built completely of wood, it was reported to have cost about $20,000 and took 14 years to finish.\n\n\n\n

Who would create anything like that, exactly? You speculate that she might be insane.\n\n\n\n

Horace Burgess claims that in 1993, God gave him the order to build the tree house and promised him that he would never run out of wood.\n\n\n\n
