Sleeping on your left side can bring incredible health benefits

If you’re anything like me, you won’t think about where you sleep.

Consider this situation: after returning from yet another demanding workday, playing with the kids, cooking, putting them to bed, and maybe spending some time reading a book or unwinding in front of the TV, you barely have enough energy to drag yourself to the bedroom and turn out the lights before you fall asleep.

Timetables differ, of course, but the point is that I’ve never given my sleeping habits any thought. Getting adequate sleep is essential before the pandemonium resumes tomorrow, isn’t it?

Well, apparently not. You may not be surprised that your body is working hard when you obtain the recommended eight hours of sleep, or often less in my experience. Consequently, it might be beneficial to think about how you portray those hours. everything, including the seemingly carefree side you lie on.

Most of us have a preferred “sleeping style.” That is, a side of preference, when we’re claiming our forty winks. Some people like to sleep on their right, while others prefer to sleep on their left. Heck, some people sleep through the night in the pharaoh stance while lying on their backs.

But as it turns out, there are a lot of potential health advantages to sleeping on your left side, and we thought it only fair to share a handful with you lovely people, our beloved readers.

So where’s all this coming from? Actually, there are several online resources, and while your personal comfort level will ultimately determine which side you prefer to sleep on, sleeping on your left side is thought to benefit the following:

Nighttime Heartburn

If you suffer from acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease, sleeping on your left side may be beneficial. This position lowers the risk of acid reflux into the esophagus, which often causes the uncomfortable sensation of heartburn, by keeping the stomach below the esophagus.

Function of the liver and spleen

Next is how the spleen functions. The organ’s capacity to strengthen your immune system and remove impurities from your body is improved when you sleep on your left side because it receives more blood.

Your liver may benefit from this as well because it is situated on the right side of your body. Your body can better handle toxins and pollutants if you sleep on your left side, which enhances detoxification.

Pregnant women

According to the Sleep Foundation, pregnant women should attempt to sleep on their left side as this helps the heart pump blood throughout the body. As was previously mentioned, resting on one’s left side decreases pressure on the liver and supports heart function, making this especially important during the last trimester.

It is commonly believed that side-sleeping is safer during pregnancy because sleeping on one’s back has been associated in several studies with an increased risk of late stillbirth.

Having a bowel movement that is healthy

On the left side of the body is the ileocecal valve, which connects the large and small intestines. Don’t worry, neither have I heard of that. Sleeping on your left side may help move waste from the small to the big intestine, according to some theories. The process is aided by gravity, which promotes greater bowel movements and waste evacuation.

When to consider shifting positions while sleeping

However, it’s not necessary to sleep on your left side, and there are a number of benefits to sleeping in different positions.

The most important thing is that you remain comfortable during the night and are prepared to switch positions if you find that one isn’t pleasant for you. For example, side sleeping may exacerbate pre-existing conditions in, say, your shoulders because you are inherently putting greater weight on one side when you lie in the same posture for extended periods of time.

We hope you learned something from this article. Do you have a preferred sleeping position? If so, kindly share it in the comments section so that we can get people discussing.