Home Amazing Past presidents’ physicals: What we know so far
Past presidents’ physicals: What we know so far
Past presidents’ physicals: What we know so far.

Being the president of one of the most powerful nations in the world means being under the spotlight, both during service and long after.
Recently, CNN published an article which revealed the medical record of several former presidents of the United States. These records mostly involve general information such as height, weight, and the overall health state. In the case of former president Obama for example, the record also includes details of his skin tag removal surgery.
Although presidential candidates aren’t required to reveal their health condition with the general public, Jackson did so during a meeting on Tuesday. The following day, he revealed that Donald Trump was in “excellent health.”
From 1974 to 1977: President Gerald Ford

It was in January 1975 that it was revealed by Ford’s doctor that he was “happy to report [Ford] is in excellent health. The results of all medical tests were normal in every way.”
A year later, another physical followed. “He has had no complaints … other than mild discomfort in his knee following periods of prolonged standing. The President has maintained his physical capacity for long working hours. He sleeps very well and continues to follow his diet and weighs between 195 and 198 pounds.