The sharing platforms really compress the images that we all post, so I wanted to give an example of a tight crop of one of my favorite recent images to give a sense of how much depth we can achieve with our modern amateur astronomy tools right from the ground on Earth. This is a close crop of my recent shot of the tip of the Elephant’s Trunk nebula. I love the feeling of almost being able to reach out and touch it and witnessing the “push” of the stars forming within the gas column, pushing out the surrounding dust to form the “donut hole” at the tip. I find it just so inspiring.
I captured this with my CDK24 telescope in an HOO color palette and applied my Luminance filter for the detail of visible light coupled with the color gradations of just the ionized hydrogen and oxygen gasses.
What a privilege to be in the first generations of humans to have the opportunity to have access to tools to let us explore space like this.
I hope you enjoy it!