Dems Call on Justice Sotomayor To Retire With Surprise Name Mentioned As Successor

Democrats are in a panic now that President-elect Donald Trump has been elected in a landslide victory against former Democrat presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris, and they are begging for a Supreme Court justice to retire.

Some Democrats have started to suggest that Justice Sonia Sotomayor should immediately retire to prevent the president-elect and a Republican Senate from picking her replacement, Politico 

“She can sort of resign conditionally on someone being appointed to replace her,” one Democrat senator said to Politico. “But she can’t resign conditioned on a specific person. What happens if she resigns and the nominee to replace her isn’t confirmed, and the next president fills the vacancy?”

“The conversations have gone far enough that a possible replacement has been bandied about: D.C. Circuit Judge J. MICHELLE CHILDS, who was on President JOE BIDEN’s SCOTUS short list. It’s obvious why: Childs has already been vetted, is seen as moderate and even received backing by conservative senators like LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-S.C.) last go round. (Though you can be damn sure that Republicans would do everything imaginable to stop a lame-duck confirmation),” Politico said.


But the Democrats would face challenges in getting a replacement confirmed.

“We would have to have assurances from any shaky senator that they would back a nominee in the lame duck, because what do you do if she announces she’s going to step down and then [independent West Virginia Sen. JOE] MANCHIN doesn’t support her and then [Republican Sens.] SUSAN COLLINS and LISA MURKOWSKI back off and say they’re not going to support a new nominee?” a senior Democratic source said to Politico. “Do you just rescind that letter?”

During an appearance on CNN Democrat analyst Bakari Sellers suggested a replacement for the Justice that stunned anchor John Berman.



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“You know, Justice Sotomayor has been a more than able justice. I know that she may be having some personal issues that she contends with while serving on the bench. But, you know, I don’t want Justice Sotomayor to be another Ruth Bader Ginsburg in terms of staying too long,” he said.

“What does this mean for the for the dynamic of the court? The court is six-three now. If we’re able to replace it with a Biden justice, there will still be six-three. The possibility of Justice Sotomayor having to resign or retire in the next four years is extremely high,” the analyst said.

“You couple that with Alito and Clarence Thomas. Then that means that you go from a 6-3 court to a 7-2 court in terms of conservative versus liberal. And so I hope that Joe Biden makes the next ten weeks as consequential as he can. I don’t care about drawing outside the lines or what Republicans may think about it. This is within your purview. You can actually do it and you should do it,” he said before making a stunning recommendation as to who should replace her.


“And you know, one more thing, John, is you have a hell of a vice president right there who has a legal pedigree to sit on a Supreme Court. And let Republicans go crazy, ape, I’m even mentioning that option,” he said.

A stunned anchor said, “You’re floating– are you floating this –, you know, 7:39 a.m. on the East Coast? Did Bakari Sellers just float Vice President Kamala Harris as a potential Supreme Court nominee?”

The analyst responded, “Not only am I floating it, but I want to stir up everything. I want people’s heads to explode this morning. So we go into the weekend just knowing that the chaos has not ended just yet.”