When this horse met a baby, he didn’t know what to do with himself. So he did what humans would do and made funny faces.
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Miranda Kelmendi captured a video of the hilarious encounter and posted it on Viralhog earlier this month. It didn’t take long for it to make it’s way through the internet and bring smiles and laughs to millions.
The video shows a baby visiting a stable, and he’s parked in a stroller right outside a horse’s stall. The curious equine doesn’t know what to think about the tiny human, so he sticks out his tongue and shakes his head back and forth—making absolutely ridiculous faces.
“This horse was making silly, goofy faces at my baby…” she captioned.
When the baby doesn’t react, the horse sniffs the stroller and studies the baby. Then he goes right back into his antics. That baby doesn’t seem amused by the show, but Miranda hysterically laughs in the background.
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