
First Quarter The right halt of the moon appears illuminated and visible, while the left half appears dark. Waxing Gibbous A large portion of the […]


Neptune,positioned as the eighth and most distant planet from the Sun in our solar system,is made up mostly of hydrogen and helium. It is also […]


It has hydrogen, helium ammonia and methance. What makes Uranus unique is its sideways spin,similar to rolling a ball along the ground but with its […]


Saturn is known for its stunning ring system.It is a gas giant, which means it dosen’t have a solid surface like Earth. Instead,Saturn is mostly […]


Jupiter is the largest planet and a gas giant,mainly composed of hydrogen and helium.One of its most famous features is the ‘Great Red Spot’ a […]


Mars is often called ‘The Red Planet’because of its reddish appearance in the night sky. It is the fourth planet from the Sun in our […]


Venus,almost equal in size to Earth,holds the distinction of being the hottest planet despite its greater distance from the Sun compared to Mercury. This extreme […]


Mercury, the nearest planet to the Sun in our solar system,holds the title of being the smallest. Its size is approximately one-third that of Earth,and […]


Earth, our home , is situated as the third planet from the Sun in our solar system, Its perfect distance from the Sun enables water […]


Upon the announcement of the discovery, Lowell Observatory received over a thousand suggestions for names.[22] Three names topped the list: Minerva, Pluto and Cronus. ‘Minerva’ […]