After Moms Death, Woman Leaves Sister 3 Dollar Bills and a Note as Her Inheritance

When Julia and Helga’s father passed away, Helga bitterly fought their mother, Mrs. Hanson, over the inheritance. She made hurtful accusations, but Julia and Mrs. Hanson devised a clever plan to teach her a lesson about respect and greed. “HOW DARE YOU?” Helga shouted at her mother over the phone, her voice echoing through the house. Julia could hear her from the kitchen, even though her mother was using the living room phone without speaker. Helga was furious at her mother’s decision to leave 30% of the estate to her, while Julia would receive the remaining 70%. Mrs. Hanson’s decision…

decision wasn’t based on favoritism but on how Julia had always been there for her, especially in her final years. Meanwhile, Helga and her husband only visited when they needed something, making her recent demands seem even more selfish.

Initially, Mrs. Hanson had considered leaving Helga nothing because of her disrespect. But she softened when Helga and her husband welcomed twins later in life, and she decided to allocate something for their future. Helga, however, wasn’t satisfied and felt entitled to more.

“MOTHER! You can’t just give everything to Julia! The twins deserve their share of the money!” Helga exclaimed, oblivious to Julia’s presence. Mrs. Hanson tried to reason with her, explaining that Julia’s sacrifices and support merited the inheritance. But Helga wasn’t hearing it.

“I DON’T CARE WHAT JULIA HAS DONE! YOU KNOW WHAT? I CAN’T WAIT FOR YOU TO DIE SO I CAN SUE FOR MY SHARE!” she spat before hanging up. Mrs. Hanson was heartbroken, and Julia was furious, but she tried to console her mother, though they both knew Helga meant every word.

Months passed, and Helga continued to call, pressuring Mrs. Hanson to change her will, which took a toll on her health. Finally, Mrs. Hanson passed away, and Helga put on an extravagant display of grief at the funeral, though relatives saw through her act. Not long after, she began pestering Julia for more money, believing she was entitled to a larger share.

Julia had had enough. She decided on a final move. During a phone call, she told Helga, “I’m selling Mom’s house to move to New York. I’ll give you half the proceeds, even though it’s in my name. Is that fair?”

Helga jumped at the offer. “Thank you, Julia! I knew you’d come around. This is for the twins’ future!”

The sale happened quickly, as the house was in a desirable area. Helga, anticipating a big payday, met with Julia for coffee before her move. Julia promised to deposit her “share” into a safety deposit box and share the details later. A week after Julia left, she sent Helga the information.

At the bank, Helga eagerly opened the deposit box—only to find three $1 bills and a note that read, “That’s all you deserve.” Her furious screams filled the bank. Julia had blocked her, ending their relationship for good.

Lessons from the Story:

  1. Greed Breeds Loss: Helga’s selfishness and entitlement left her with nothing.
  2. Respect Your Family’s Wishes: Despite Helga’s pressure, Julia honored her mother’s intentions.

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